Pregnancy And Baby Care Articles Pregnancy Tests
Reactive Non Stress Test During Pregnancy
Submitted by Nick on January 19, 2012
A reactive and non reactive non stress test (NST) is done during pregnancy to check the baby’s health and growth. This non stress test during pregnancy is done when the doctor needs to evaluate the baby’s and the mother’s condition before suggesting the next steps. It is usually undertaken when the baby has passed its due date and /or the mother is in a high risk category. This test is labeled as non stress test as no stress is placed on the baby. Different factors contribute to a mother’s high risk susceptibility. If you have diabetes and are being given insulin, or being given high blood pressure...
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.medication or any other medical condition that could affect the baby; if you have gestational hypertension; if your baby is less active than other babies; if the baby appears smaller than normal babies at this time; if you have too much or too little amniotic fluid; if you have lost a baby in an advanced stage of the pregnancy for no apparent reason or if you have any other procedure in the third trimester like an external cephalic version (to turn a breech baby into normal position) or amniocentesis (to determine the maturity of your baby’s lungs)s In such instances the doctor could order an NST to determine if the baby is doing welll
Sometimes a doctor could ask you to do a non stress test as early as 28 weeksk
Before the test the mother is asked to eat some food as food could make the baby activev During the test, the baby’s heartbeat is monitorede It is monitored at a rest state and in an active statet When the baby’s heartbeat increases, its movement also increasese You, the mother to be, are made to lie on your left side, with back supportr You are hooked up to monitor the baby’s heartbeat, the baby’s movements and your contractionsn If your baby is not responding, you may be asked to drink some water, juice or soda wake up the baby if it is asleepe Sometimes the technician might use a buzzer or even a loud clap to ensure that the baby is awakek The test is classified as a reactive and non reactive one depending on whether the baby responds adequatelyl A reactive test indicates the baby is getting proper blood flow and oxygene A non reactive test indicates the need to test further for other possibilitiese This test also tells us whether the baby is receiving proper oxygen and nutrition through the umbilical cord or placentat
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