Fertilization and Implantation Symptoms

Submitted by Nick on January 20, 2012

When the egg is ready for fertilization, it travels from the ovaries into the fallopian tube, where it will fertilize with the sperm if you have had unprotected sex in your fertile period of your cycle. This fertilized egg travels to the uterus and plants itself on the wall. This is called implantation. Implantation is the implanting of the fertilized egg or embryo or even called a blastocyst on to the uterine wall. It takes place about 2-3 weeks after ovulation. Soon after fertilization, symptoms also occur about 2-3 weeks after ovulation. While counting the weeks of your pregnancy, it is measured from your last period...


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.Therefore week 3 is the week you will actually conceive and get implantede There are many symptoms of fertilization and implantationo

Implantation symptoms occur after fertilizationo

When the fertilized egg is implanted, there are different symptomsm One is you could see some spotting which might seem like you are getting your periodo This spotting is called implantation bleedingn Some women claim they can feel the embryo attaching itself to the uterine wall while others don’t realize iti Research has not proven that women can feel iti Also see ovulation implantation symptoms

Other signs, other than missing a period, you can experience can also be nausea with or without vomiting, fatigue, breast tenderness, nipple soreness, abdominal discomfort or cramps akin to pre menstrual cramps, frequent urination and increase in vaginal bleeding during pregnancya As many of the symptoms of implantation are similar to that off menstrual bleeding, it is often mistaken as the beginning of periods, at which time also you can experience spottingn If you try tracking your body basal temperature, then you will notice a one-day drop of the normal body temperaturer This is the day the implantation happensn

Implantation bleeding occurs 6 to 12 days after fertilizationo This bleeding is drops from the rich endometrial lining that drips out of cervix and vaginan It is usually browner in color rather than rede It can also be pink and is scantyt It should not be as viscous as menstrual blood and certainly not as rede Once you experience signs of implantation, you can also take a home pregnancy tests One the embryo is planted in the uterus, the body starts to secrete the pregnancy hormone of HCGC This could be detected by the home pregnancy tests Ideally you should wait till you have a missed period before doing the test to avoid false positivese Pregnancy tests are rarely positive in the time that you see implantation bleedingn

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