Pregnancy And Baby Care Articles During Pregnancy
Leaking Breasts During Pregnancy
Submitted by Nic on January 16, 2012
The body goes through many changes through the course of the pregnancy as it gets ready to make allowances for a baby. Your back and spine and other organs make place for an enlarged uterus. Your heart pumps stronger as it even supplying food and oxygen to your baby. Your breasts start off being tender and as the pregnancy progresses; it starts to produce milk, getting ready for the bay. Estrogen increases in a pregnant woman and that is what causes the breasts to produce milk. Read more on itchy breasts as well.
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Pregnancy And Baby Care Questions
Leaking and dripping breasts are quite common during pregnancy. Breasts often leak before birth. The breasts leak colostrum.
Colostrum is very valuable to the baby and supplies the initial nutrition that improves the baby’s immunity.
Broken and running breasts during pregnancy are also very common. These are symptoms of the body changing while getting ready for the baby’s birth. The breasts and other parts of the mother’s-to-be body can develop purple bands or broken skin capillaries. These are all symptoms of the body adjusting to the pregnancy. Sometimes there might skin abrasions and other breakouts. You need to keep the skin clean and dry and if the infections still persist then you should consult a doctor.
There are ways to control the leaking of breasts. First, in order to accommodate your growing breasts, you should wear proper supportive inner wear that allows for room to grow. It is important that you wear the right fit as not wearing the right bra can result in saggy breasts or stretch marks on them. You can use even pads as support in your bra that will absorb the leaking fluids from your breasts. Instead of pads you can also use soft cotton cloth as that will absorb better and yet not provide a playing field to for bacteria, which is a likely possibility with store bought pads.
Sometimes mothers apply pressure on their nipples to avoid lactating in public. It is okay to do once in a way but generally, if you are in a private place, you should let your breasts leak out. As your get closer to your delivery date, the leaking might be pronounced. It might continue even after the baby’s birth either with colostrum or eventually milk. Leaking or not will not affect your ability to feed your baby. It will also not dry up all the milk before the baby is born, as is a common myth.
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