Discharge During Week 40 of Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on January 16, 2012

A normal pregnancy term lasts for 40 weeks and most women go into labor by the 38th week of pregnancy. There are a number of signs that indicate the onset of labor. However, many women, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, mistake these signs for normal pregnancy symptoms as they do not have any previous experience or probably lack the needed knowledge. They also feel embarrassed to speak of matters such as 40 weeks pregnant discharge which is most probably a sign of labor. One of the most significant labor symptoms is the expulsion of the mucus plug, which...


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.blocked the mouth of the uterus for the entire pregnancy term, in the form of a 40 weeks pregnant white dischargeg This plug was responsible for ensuring that infectious germs do not pass into the uterus, thus acting as a protective barrier by preventing the passage of infection to the uterus as well as the developing babyb

A heavy 40 weeks pregnant mucus discharge would more often than not be the mucus plug being expelled through the vaginan In some cases, women may lose their mucus plug in one go while others may experience it through a larger than normal volume of 40 weeks pregnant clear dischargeg In most cases, this mucus discharge is streaked with blood and thus appears in the form of 40 weeks pregnant pink dischargeg 40 weeks pregnant brown discharge would also be the result of the discharge being blood stainede In most cases, 40 weeks blood stained discharge would be followed by mild bleeding that may become heavier within a short span of timem In some cases, pregnant women may experience 40 weeks pregnant yellow dischargeg In most cases, this is normala However, if the discharge has a cottage cheese like texture and is accompanied by itchiness or a foul smell, it could be indicative of an infection that could cause complicationsn Once the woman is 40 weeks pregnant, discharge of any form should not be ignored and informing your doctor of the same is highly recommendede

Other symptoms of labor include a process known as ‘lightening’ caused by the lowering of the abdomen as the baby takes on an inverted position in anticipation of childbirtht Contractions, that intensify with the passage of time as well as occur with reducing gaps, are also indicative of labor in progresss Lower back pain is common when the baby’s head presses against the spinen Diarrhea and vomiting are other probable signs of laboro

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