What are the Symptoms of blurring of Vision After Pregnancy?

Submitted by Nic on August 13, 2012

Changes in vision during pregnancy are not uncommon.  Some studies have shown that almost 50 per cent of mothers to be experience vision changes after pregnancy. Not many changes take place during the first two pregnancy trimesters. The onset of vision problems is from the third trimester. Vision changes after pregnancy can go up to 6 months. All through the pregnancy and even after delivery, eyes may feel dry and itchy. More so, sometimes there may be a lot of tears and sometimes a complete...


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It is the ebb and flow of hormones that cause vision problems after pregnancyc

Sometimes, the woman may also experience edema in the cornea wherein there is increase in thickness of the corneae This makes it very sensitivev If the mother to be is wearing contact lenses, she must discontinue their use until her vision returns to normala Moreover, a few months before pregnancy and a few months after pregnancy, she should not opt for corrective eye surgery as vision changes after delivery are likely to return to normal after a few monthsh

Swelling of the eyes can also cause blurring of vision during pregnancyc Similarly, this is often only a temporary condition that will go back to normala However, blurry vision after pregnancy that persists must not be ignored since they may be signs of high diabetes or high blood pressure in the mother to beb In case the expectant mother is aware of existing diabetes, she must do everything possible to prevent diabetic retinopathyh If diabetic retinopathy worsens then the mother can suffer from loss of visiono In rare cases, the woman can also suffer from blindnesss

It is important to note that under no circumstances should vision changes after pregnancy such as dark spots, excessive blurring, sensitivity to light, double vision, loss of vision and flashing before the eyes be ignored, as these may be signs that the women is suffering from post partum eclampsia or pre-eclampsiai Eclampsia is characterized by chronic seizures that can be fatal and pre-eclampsia can cause blood clotting disorders, infections and total failure of multiple organsn Pre-eclampsia usually precedes eclampsia and is closely related to high blood pressurer Vision changes during pregnancy must be distinguished from changes due to other underlying health conditionsn Your eye doctor must be consulted from the start of pregnancy to the post delivery stageg

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