Reasons for Mucus Discharge In Late Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on January 16, 2012

Going through a pregnancy is one of the highlights of any woman’s life despite the fact that the amount of pain and discomfort the woman will feel during the tenure of the pregnancy is completely unimaginable to someone that has never experienced a pregnancy first hand. However, despite the ever changing hormonal levels in the body as well as the continuously changing physical dimensions of the woman, when she holds her baby in her arms for the first time, everything will just seem to be worth all the trouble.


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The mucus discharge in late pregnancy is one of the foremost symptoms of the condition. Despite the fact that a lot of cinema and television will usually show dramatic sequences of a woman clutching her stomach and yelling out in pain just as she realizes that the baby is about to be born, the reality of the matter is a sequence of much more subtlety. A woman will generally experience a certain amount of lightening as she senses her baby dropping into position to be born.

This will happen anywhere between a couple of weeks to a few days before she goes into labor. The mucus plug is primarily responsible for mucus discharge in late pregnancy stages as it is concerned with plugging the cervix in order to protect the baby during the pregnancy. During the onset of the dilation phase, part of this mucus plug is likely to be released or you may suddenly see the whole plug dislodge itself during a trip to the bathroom. Pink mucus discharge during late pregnancy is another very common sign that the mucus plug has dislodged itself and is a sure fire sign that the labor is about to start. Because of the fact that the mucus plug has been able to dislodge itself, the woman will also start to experience a trickling or gushing of warm fluid. This warm fluid is the amniotic fluid as a result of break in the amniotic sac that is also likely to take place around this time.

If the mucus discharge during pregnancy seems a bit odd or goes on for longer than normal, you should visit your gynecologist and have him or her analyze the situation more seriously.

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