Bleeding at 9th Week of Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on January 18, 2012

Bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant is also known as spotting which basically refers to the emission of a tiny amount of blood from the vagina of the pregnancy woman. This red bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant is similar to the blood that is passed out on the last day of the menstrual cycle of a woman. Many women are known to have bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant and they still go on to have perfectly normal and full term pregnancies. However in case of heavy bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant the woman should immediately get the same checked by the doctor as it may be a symptom of a miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion...


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.In fact any bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant or any time in the first trimester should be investigated further as this is medically referred to as a threatened miscarriageg Bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant resulting in miscarriage is more commonly found in older women as compared to women who are much youngere

There are no specific causes of bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant however on such cause may be referred to as implantation bleeding which is the bleeding that occurs when the baby implants itself to the uterine wall resulting in some amount of blood being discharged in the form of bleedingn

Bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant if accompanied with fever and pain should be immediately investigated by the doctor as it may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage or even an infection in the vaginal areae One of the ways to prevent vaginal infections which may result in bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant is to avoid intercourse or douching which tends to promote the growth and spread of bacteriai In case the woman experiences heavy bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant then the doctor will conduct an ultrasound which will allow them to diagnose accurately whether the pregnancy is still viable or there is any remedial action that needs to be takene Many a times bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant may also occur in case of women who may inadvertently take up a strenuous form of exercise during the pregnancy or even undertake dieting while pregnantn These activities are detrimental to the baby and the pregnancy on the whole and should be undertaken only after prior approval from their doctoro Women who are 9 weeks pregnant may also experience other symptoms such as nausea, feeling bloated, headaches as well as sciaticac

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