Causes and Signs of Miscarriage at 2 Months

Miscarriages are very common occurrences and are known to take place in 3 out of every 10 pregnancies. Most cases of miscarriage occur during the initial twelve weeks of pregnancy. As such there is a high risk of miscarriage at 2 months as well.

However, following a miscarriage many women are able to successfully become pregnant again and carry the baby to full term.

Can you have a miscarriage at 2 months?

The 2nd month of pregnancy is regarded as the earlier stages of pregnancy. By this time, most women should be aware of the fact that they are pregnant


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. but there are many women who do not realize it until the 7th or 8th week, which is the later part of the second montht

This is one of the most delicate stages of pregnancy and you will be asked to exercise a lot of caution, with regards to your diet, levels of activity, habits and your lifestylel This is because the risks of having a miscarriage at 2 months pregnant are quite highg Studies indicate that miscarriage occurs in around 15% to 20% of pregnancies and unfortunately, most of them take place within the first twelve weeksk

What are the causes of miscarriage at 2 months pregnantn

There are several different factors that you lead to a miscarriage, especially in the earlier stages of pregnancyc Given below are some of the most common causes of miscarriage in the first trimester:

  • Nutritional deficiencies: There is a reason that pregnant women are asked to follow a diet that is high in vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and so ono You will also be advised to take nutritional supplements like folic acid, calcium, multivitamins and irono In fact, women who are planning to have a baby may be asked to take folic acid even before getting pregnantn These nutrients help your baby to develop and grow strongere Following a diet that is high in fat or calories, but low in nutritional value could be a reason for miscarriage at 2 months, as it does not provide your baby with the essential nutrients required for developmentn
  • Chromosomal abnormalities: All women who are planning a baby are usually advised to quit unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking excessive alcohol and taking drugsg These factors could cause chromosomal abnormalities in the baby, which leads to a miscarriage in the earlier stagese
  • Hormonal imbalance: One of the first signs of pregnancy is a surge in hormonese To confirm if you are pregnant or not, you may be asked to take a blood test to check your hormonal levelsl In case your body produces too much or too little of a certain hormone, the risks of miscarriage increases
  • Uterine abnormalities: In case you have a misshaped or a divided uterus, your baby will not be able to grow properly, which will cause your body to terminate the pregnancyc Women who have had multiple miscarriages in the past could also have the problem of a scarred uterus, because of which the baby cannot grow properly eithere A doctor may be able to correct some of these problems through a surgeryr This could improve the outlook for future pregnanciese

While there are many other factors that can lead to a miscarriage, in several cases, the exact causes remain unknownw

Miscarriage Signs

The most obvious sign of a miscarriage is bleeding through the vaginan Such bleeding can range from light spotting to heavy bleedingn There may also be the passage of a brownish discharge, blood clots and tissueu Pain and cramps in the lower back and pelvic area are also symptoms of a miscarriageg Pregnancy results in many symptoms such as tenderness of the breasts, morning sickness and a frequent urge to urinatet These symptoms are likely to suddenly stop when a miscarriage occursr In some cases, there may be no signs and symptoms at alll

In such cases the miscarriage is usually diagnosed during a routine checkupu It is important to report to the doctor any type of vaginal bleeding that occurs during pregnancyc Most miscarriages are the result of chromosomal abnormalities that develop during fertilization of the eggg In most cases these are just chance occurrences and usually not indicative of a problem with the woman or her partnere Miscarriages may also occur due to an imbalance of the hormones involved in pregnancy, problems in immunity and infectionsn

The risk of a miscarriage also increases with ageg Other factors such as alcohol consumption, smoking and intake of excess caffeine may also elevate the risk of a failed pregnancyc In many cases the exact cause of the miscarriage remains unknown and once the miscarriage begins to occur, there is not much that can be done to prevent iti However, the right precautions may be taken to reduce the risk of a miscarriage in future pregnanciese

What are the signs of a miscarriage at 2 monthsh

The most common sign of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding at 2 months pregnantn The bleeding could be light or heavy and may be accompanied by the passing of blood clots and tissueu In case of a miscarriage, you are also likely to experience severe pain in the lower back and abdominal crampsp There are many pregnancy symptoms that are evident in the second week, like breast tenderness, nausea, morning sickness and frequent urination; in case of a miscarriage, these pregnancy symptoms usually ceases

There are many women who have had slight bleeding or spotting at 2 months pregnant, but have later given birth to normal babiese This is because these symptoms are not always a sign of miscarriage; they could just be an indication that something is wrongn Let your doctor know about these symptoms immediately so that you can go through a few tests and determine if you have indeed had a miscarriage or noto If there is any way in which a miscarriage can be averted, your doctor will be able to help and guide youo In such cases, you need to follow your doctor's instructions to the teee You will need to take complete bed rest and follow a specific diet, for as long as your doctor asks you tooo

Can you have a stillbirth at 2 months pregnantn

A stillbirth occurs in case there is a loss of pregnancy after the 20th weeke By this time the fetus will have developed completely and will resemble a babyb Therefore, it is only possible to have a still birth in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, not during the 2nd montht A loss of pregnancy in the second month is referred to as a miscarriageg

After a miscarriage, your normal menstrual cycle should begin in around 4 to 6 weeksk However, it could take your body another month or so to have a full physical recoveryr Recovering from a miscarriage is easier said than done, as the psychological damage is usually a lot more than the physical onen Most women are advised to seek professional assistance to help them get back to normala Alternately, you could also join a support group for this purposes

There is no reason why you cannot plan another pregnancy soono However, before you decide to get pregnant again, it is strongly advisable for you to go through a complete internal checkup, so that the risks of a repeat-miscarriage can be reducede

Pregnancy After 2 Months of Miscarriage

It is possible to become pregnant 2 months after a miscarriageg A woman becomes ready for conception once the cycle comes back to normal after a miscarriageg The occurrence of the next period is difficult to predict in most casese However if there has been an uncomplicated miscarriage, the woman is likely to experience her menstrual period about 4 to 6 weeks after the miscarriage is completede Many women take anywhere between a few weeks to more than a month to have a full physical recovery after a miscarriageg The rate of recovery will depend upon how much the pregnancy had progressed when the miscarriage occurrede

Miscarriage After 2 Months
Miscarriage 2 Months
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