Tests to Detect Miscarriage Frequency

Miscarriage overwhelms a couple looking forward to the birth of their baby and a frequency of miscarriages can make matters even worse. If a woman has experienced more than two miscarriages, it might be an indication of an inherent problem with either or both the husband and wife.

The tremendous anxiousness and stressful pressure that arises due to frequency of miscarriages can eventually make pregnancy a discomforting experience. After a couple of miscarriages, the chances of having another miscarriage greatly increases; but most doctors recommend taking another chance before suggesting that the couple undergo genetic counseling.


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Medical experts believe that frequency of missed miscarriage takes place due to chromosomal abnormalities. Almost 75% of pregnancies that terminate before six weeks of gestation take place due to random chromosomal error, while 55% of pregnancies that terminate between 6 to 10 weeks of pregnancy are due to chromosomal abnormalities while 6% of pregnancies that end after 10 weeks also attribute it to chromosomal errors. There are certain risk factors that women cannot do much about, like earlier miscarriages and advanced age of the woman.

Miscarriage Tests

If the miscarriage frequency continues to take place even after a couple of miscarriages, doctors usually recommend conducting extensive tests including testing the miscarriage tissue for detecting chromosomal abnormalities. Exhaustive tests can help in detecting underlying conditions such as an uterine infection, autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances, diabetes etc. It has been seen that one in five women who have had frequency of miscarriages suffer from clotting disorders that hinder with implantation. It is important for women to go for medical checkups after a miscarriage loss in order to remedy the situation.

Precaution to Avoid Miscarriage

It is important for women of childbearing age to take precautions in order to lessen the possibility of miscarriage frequency, even before they might be ready to conceive. Prior to conception, some doctors recommend taking prenatal vitamins which include folate, while abstaining from cigarette smoking or handling toxic chemicals. Maintaining an ideal body weight is also a significant factor for a smooth childbirth. Medical experts reveal that obesity augments the risk of miscarriage frequency and doubles the dangers of birth deformities. Dietary measures such as avoiding the consumption of undercooked meat is also highly recommended as it can increase the pregnant mother's chances of being exposed to the E. coli bacteria and other parasites. It is also strongly advised not to take care of pets such as cats and birds or rodents, as cleaning their litter can increase the risk factors of contracting toxoplasmosis.

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