Signs of Infection After a Miscarriage

The loss of pregnancy is indeed depressing and can cause a lot of physical and mental strain. After having a miscarriage, you may experience normal symptoms like that of cramping and bleeding.

It is essential to take ample rest after undergoing a miscarriage as your body needs time to recover.

At times, you may contract an infection in spite of being cautious after a miscarriage. Here are some of the most common signs of infection after miscarriage that you need to look out for:

Bleeding After Miscarriage


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Bleeding After Miscarriage

Generally, you tend to bleed for eight to ten days after having a miscarriage. You may soak more than two sanitary pads in this course of period. Bleeding may be accompanied with cramping. If you bleed heavily for more than a week with more clots and if there is pain accompanied with the bleeding, then there is a possibility that you may have contracted an infection. You need to alert the doctor immediately and attend this issue as this can harm your future pregnancies and may affect your health in a big way.

  • Chills.If you feel cold and you keep shivering even at normal temperature while you are bleeding, it indicates that you have contracted an infection. This commonly occurs when your body expels the fetus.
  • Fever.Running a temperature indicates that your body has caught an infection during the miscarriage process and it is trying to fight it by letting out a fever.
  • Vaginal Discharge. Whenever you are infected, vaginal discharge is the first and most prominent way by which your body tries to tell you that something is wrong. The vaginal discharge will emit a foul smell and the color may change to pale yellow. Your genitals may start itching thereby, leading to soreness.

  • Uterine Pain. After a miscarriage, your uterus contracts back to its normal size. When this happens, the stomach muscles tighten and you get cramps. When you suffer a miscarriage infection, the pain is prolonged. This indicates that something is wrong and the body is unable to get back to normal.

How to Avoid Miscarriage Infection

You can avoid miscarriage infection by following your doctor's instructions. Avoid using tampons for a few days after the miscarriage. Avoid having sex and douching as all these increase the chances of getting a miscarriage infection. In most cases, women find it embarrassing and are reluctant to talk about miscarriage infection or signs of infection after miscarriage. But if neglected, the infection can lead to more complications. So address it before it is too late.

Infection Signs After Miscarriage
Miscarriage Infection Signs
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