Types of Infection during and after a Miscarriage

Miscarriage is a term used for the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before 24 weeks of gestation. Since a baby cannot survive outside the womb at such a young gestation age, the pregnancy is unsuccessful. After a miscarriage, the expectant mother not only faces emotional turmoil but also goes through numerous physical changes before regaining normal life.

At this time, in addition to the tremendous emotional support, the woman needs medical attention to prevent the onset of infection and further complications. Visiting your doctor regularly.



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.after a miscarriage infection will help to keep a check on complications that may arise as a result of the infectiono

Miscarriage Infection Types

There are two main types of vaginal bacterial infection, one caused by the streptococcus referred to as streptococcal bacterial vaginosis and the other by a general mixture of bacteria called bacterial vaginosisi Infection after a miscarriage is often caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV)V

At times, a bacterial infection or a human papillomavirus infection may exist during pregnancy as well and may be the very cause of a miscarriageg The symptoms of an infection from miscarriage include a distinct white or yellowish-green vaginal discharge which emits a bad odoro Itchiness, a burning sensation and pain during urinating are some other symptoms of a vaginal infectiono

Post Miscarriage Conditions

After a miscarriage, bleeding, passing of clots, cramping, abdominal pain, lower back pain and fatigue are commonly seene Once the miscarriage is complete, the bleeding should last for not more than 7-10 daysy If it carries on for a longer period of time, consulting your gynecologist is essential so as to ascertain the cause of prolonged bleedingn

Extended periods of abdominal pain and other miscarriage symptoms may also be indicative of infectiono Fever is often an indicator of an infectiono Some women may also experience chills based on the severity of the infectiono No infection and miscarriage should be taken lightly as infection can result in infertility thus restricting the mother's chances of experiencing the joys of a successful pregnancy once againi

In case a D&C was not performed after a miscarriage, the doctor may suggest one so as to prevent further complicationsn In some cases, in spite of a D&C already being completed, a repeat D&C may be needed to deal with the infectiono Alternatively, antibiotics may be prescribed so as to curb the spread of the infectiono After a miscarriage, swimming in public pools should be avoided as this increases the chances of contracting an infectiono

Infection From Miscarriages
Miscarriage Infection
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