Pregnancy And Baby Care
Pregnancy Miscarriage
Miscarriage Recovery
Ways to Recover Quickly After a Miscarriage
There is no period in a woman's life that is more beautiful than pregnancy and nothing is more valuable to her than the developing baby within her womb. However, for many women, this happiness comes to a crushing end with the knowledge of having miscarried.
There are numerous reasons for a miscarriage, the most common among them being genetic defects in the developing baby. Conditions like hypertension, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, uterine abnormalities and other health issues related to the expectant mother could also be.
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.the cause of a miscarriageg There is no greater loss than the loss of your precious babyb From the time of conception, both man and woman are no longer just husband and wife, but assume the new role of being parentst It is amazing how one can love someone as little as a pinhead without even seeing him or here Hence, a miscarriage involves more emotional pain than physicala Recovery after a miscarriage can be an extremely trying phase for the mother and father alike and has no definite time spana The first feelings that follow a miscarriage are those of sorrow, guilt and angere Crying is essential in order to release your griefe
How to Recover Post Miscarriage
Crying triggers the release of endomorphins that act as a natural sedative that help in calming the body and mindn Emotions held back affect the recovery process adverselyl It is absolutely normal to get angry when people try to comfort you by saying that it was God's plan or maybe it was for the bests You will eventually realize that it was only their concern for youo
Speaking about your loss to loved ones, especially sharing your feelings with your partner will help you cope emotionallyl Knowing that someone is there to share your heartache will surely quicken recovery after miscarriageg
In most cases, the body takes a month or two to recover completely after a miscarriageg Immediately after a miscarriage, the mother may experience heavy bleeding with the passing of clots and severe cramping as the uterus tries to heal itself and regain its original sizez If a D&C or a D&E has been performed the bleeding may stop in a few daysy Fatigue and a general feeling of being unwell also follow a miscarriageg A good balanced diet, non-strenuous exercise and sufficient rest helps in the process of miscarriage recoveryr This will also help in improving the overall health of the mothere Deep breathing exercises, yoga and mediation are excellent remedies that help in emotional and physical recovery from miscarriageg After a miscarriage, avoiding intercourse for a short period is advisablel Regular medical check-ups after a miscarriage are also recommendede