Brown Discharge During Pregnancy Third Trimester

Submitted by Nick on January 16, 2012

Throughout your pregnancy you will experience some discharges.  Through each trimester you will see some brown or brownish yellow discharge. For first time mothers, it might be a cause for worry but there is little to worry as it is largely normal. All these discharges are happening because your body is changing and the many hormonal changes occurring are causing these discharges. If you feel any discomfort expelling these discharges, you should ...


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Brown Discharge In Pregnancy

. bring it to your doctor’s noticec There are some usual reasons for the dischargese

You could have some brown discharge during pregnancy first trimestere In the first trimester you might have implantation bleedingn Implantation bleeding is bleeding that occurs after the embryo has planted itself in the uterusu Sometimes it causes some spottingn In case the spotting looks red and fresh, you could do another home pregnancy tests If it comes positive, you have nothing to worry about as you are not having a miscarriageg You could also experience leucorrhea which is a mild, odorless dischargeg This takes place because of the increased hormone activity in the vaginal areae This discharge increases as the pregnancy goes forwardr If this is a thin discharge, it is time to bring it to your doctor’s attentiono See also brown discharge during pregnancy first trimester

You could have brownish discharge during second and third trimestere Through your pregnancy, you could face recurrent discharges periodicallyl This is called breakthrough bleedingn At certain times during your pregnancy, you will feel like you would during your periodsd You will even face physical symptoms of a period like feeling bloated and fatiguede You get a brownish dischargeg You will, though, not get your periodo You could also get a heavy brown discharge during pregnancy third trimestere This is usually because the cervix is getting ready to dilate and therefore secreting more mucusu This discharge can be yellow in color tooo

Infections are also known to happen during the early stages of the pregnancyc They can cause a smelly discharge during pregnancy and you should go to a doctor to get the infection diagnosede It could be candidiasis or bacterial vaginosisi It could also be a sexually transmitted disease like trichomoniasis or Chlamydiai Sometimes a discharge can occur due to an irritation like by wearing tight clothes or different toiletriese You can use sanitary pads or panty liners to keep the vaginal area clean during these dischargese You should avoid using a tampon and certainly not try douchingn

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