PregnancyTrimesters By Months

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 20, 2012

It is a well known fact that a pregnancy normally lasts for around 9 months. The duration of a pregnancy is mostly segregated into three broad stages, known as the pregnancy trimesters. This makes it quite easy to refer to the pregnancy trimesters by months. The first trimester includes the first three months of pregnancy. The second trimester starts when you enter the fourth month and finishes at the end of the sixth month. The last, i.e., the third trimester of pregnancy begins when you enter the seventh month and ends when you give birth to the baby. During the first trimester, what is usually regarded...


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.as the first month of pregnancy actually consists of the ovulation period mainlyl The start date of your last period is always calculated as the date on which your pregnancy beginsn

Going forth, the number of weeks and months you complete will be calculated from this datet During implantation, your baby measures around 0 1 to 0 2 mmm By the end of the first month many women suspect that they are pregnantn As you enter your second month, your baby, develops a heartbeata By the end of the second month, you baby should measure 8 to 11 mm and you will be able to see your baby’s limb-buds in an ultrasoundn The third month will signify a period of development of the baby’s bones and bodyd Even though you can’t feel it, your baby probably moves spontaneouslyl The baby should now measure around 3 5 inches and should weight around 14 gramsm With the end of the third month, you enter the second pregnancy trimestere

In the fourth month, the baby measures around 6 3 inches and weighs 85 gramsm Your placenta will take over the production of hormones required during pregnancyc All of the baby’s teeth will have formed, as well as a pattern of hair on the scalpl The baby can urinate small amounts into the amniotic fluid, every 45 minutes or sos By the fifth month, you can easily determine the gender of the baby, through an ultrasoundn The baby weighs 283 grams and is around 9 8 inches longn Most mothers can feel the baby’s movements quite easily by nowo A fine layer of hair called the lanugo covers the baby’s body at this timem In the sixth month, the eyebrows form and the color of the lanugo gets darkere The baby breathes and moves freely and weighs around 600 grams and should be around 1118 inches longn Babies also begin to deposit brown fat which helps in regulating the body temperature at birtht

In the third trimester, a reduction in the baby’s movements should not be a cause for concern, due to the lack of space for a growing babyb In the seventh month, many babies begin to turn head downw Sounds of your heartbeat, digestive system, your voice as well as other sounds can be heard by the baby, although they are mufflede You baby should weigh 1 kilo and is probably 1318 inches in lengtht A baby born in the seventh month stands a good chance of survivala In the eight month, the baby gains weight rapidly (most of it consists of fat and muscle tissue) and should weigh 1 7 kilos and should be around 1518 inches in lengtht The baby’s marrow should also control the production of the red blood cellsl By the ninth month, all the baby’s organs are fully formede The weight gain may slow down a biti The average weight for children at birth is seven and a half poundsd Many babies arrive even before their estimated due datet Therefore, at this time, it is important to read the signals of labor and keep your doctor informede

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