Pregnancy Complications During Birth

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 18, 2012

The excitement that almost every expectant mother feels at the onset of pregnancy, slowly gives way to anxiety and worry, as she approaches the last stage of her pregnancy. Most women deal with ups and downs pregnancy and handle it with the one thought in their minds - the safety of their babies. It is important to be just as careful during the third trimester, so as to avoid any pregnancy complications during birth. Given below are some common pregnancy complications that may arise during labor:


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  • Vaginal bleeding: Vaginal bleeding could be the first sign of pregnancy complications during birth. During the first few months of pregnancy, severe bleeding may be a sign of a potential miscarriage. Light bleeding, during labor may not really be a cause for concern.

    However, significant vaginal bleeding during delivery could indicate Intra-partum hemorrhage (IPH).
  • Lack of fetal movement: In case a pregnant woman notices a considerable decrease in the movements of her baby, the doctor should be informed without any delay. The lack of movement could be a sign of fetal distress, which could lead to serious complications.
  • Urinary tract infections: Most women feel the urge to urinate frequently during pregnancy. In case a dull ache in the lower abdominal area or a burning sensation is felt with the passing of the urine, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Studies have indicated that a UTI can induce premature labor, if it affects a woman towards the later stages of pregnancy.
  • Toxemia or Pre-eclampsia: Toxemia or pre-eclampsia are the affects of hypertension that occurs during pregnancy. They can cause symptoms like excessive weight gain, severe headaches, fluid retention and blurred vision. Toxemia also leads to swelling of the ankles, the feet and the hands. A woman suffering from these problems could be hospitalized, to control her blood pressure and for fetal testing. Toxemia could lead to some serious pregnancy complications during birth, like premature labor or fetal distress during labor.
  • Severe abdominal pain: During the early stages of pregnancy, severe abdominal pain could be the sign of a possible miscarriage. However, towards the end, severe abdominal pains could indicate premature labor.
  • Nausea: In the first trimester of pregnancy, morning sickness is absolutely normal. This should usually subside in the second trimester. However, women who experience morning sickness throughout are at an increased risk of dehydration.
  • Fevers, cold or chills: If a pregnant woman develops fever, a cold or chills, during the final stages of pregnancy, she needs to exercise caution and inform the doctor immediately, as these could lead to a preterm labor.
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