Causes Of Bleeding During Pregnancy

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

There are several causes of bleeding during pregnancy. If you notice any bleeding during your pregnancy, it is best to contact your doctor as he/she can determine the reason for it. Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy can be caused by several different factors. Some of the causes of bleeding during early pregnancy are:

Implantation bleeding during pregnancy: Implantation bleeding during pregnancy is usually minimal and occurs when the embryo implants itself on the uterine wall. It generally occurs on the day or around the time your period was due.


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The cervix prepares adjusts so that the baby can be taken care of. The body supplies more blood to the cervix and this causes implantation bleeding.

Ectopic pregnancy: This is when the fertilized egg is implanted in the fallopian tube.

This is the most dangerous cause of bleeding during pregnancy in the first trimester.

Molar pregnancy: Bleeding can sometimes be a sign of a molar pregnancy (when the fertilized egg is abnormal). An ultrasound will reveal a mass of tissue but no fetus. More on brown discharge during pregnancy

Threatened miscarriage: This is when you have some bleeding with cramping and the fetus is still inside you but the outcome of the pregnancy is unknown. This could be due to an infection or if the fetus is abnormal.

Complete miscarriage: This is when the cramping and bleeding slows down and an ultrasound reveals that the uterus is empty. Incomplete Miscarriage: This is when you are passing blood/clots and an ultrasound shows that your cervix is still open. This means that the miscarriage is not over.

Bleeding in pregnancy can occur in the third trimester as well. Some causes for this are:-

Placenta previa bleeding during pregnancy: You may notice painless deep red blood from your vagina. This occurs when the placenta completely or partially covers the opening of your womb. As the cervix dilates, the blood vessels of the placenta stretch and rupture.

Uterine rupture: This is an abnormal occurrence where the uterus splits open and the baby is completely or partially expelled into the abdomen.

Placental abruption: This occurs when the placenta separates from the uterus and blood collects between the placenta and the uterus. In this case, you will pass dark blood or clots from your vagina but there will not be any external bleeding. Abruptions usually occur before labor starts.

Fetal bleeding: This will show up as vaginal bleeding. On a monitor, the baby's heartbeat will be very fast and then will slow down as the baby loses more blood.

If you feel faint, dizzy, experience excessive thirst and increased fatigue, contact your doctor as these could be other symptoms of bleeding during early pregnancy complications.

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