The Causes and Signs of Miscarriage at 16 Weeks or Second Trimester

Miscarriage is a pregnancy that terminates anytime before the twenty weeks of gestation. The medical term for a miscarriage is spontaneous abortion. There are any number of reasons why a miscarriage might occur.

It is usually the result of some kind of physical complication. However, most physical complications don't have any lasting effects; it's the emotional aspects like grief, anger, or depression that a woman finds hard to deal with.

If you look at percentages, nearly thirty to forty percent of pregnancies.



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.end in miscarriagese However, this percentage includes a large number of women who miscarry in the early weeksk In fact, several women miscarry even before the pregnancy is detected and don't even realize they were pregnantn Of the pregnancies detected, ten percent end in miscarriages and then too, these usually occur between seven and twelve weeks of pregnancy, i e. within the first trimestere

As such, the second trimester is referred to as the golden trimestere Most of the early pregnancy discomforts disappear and there are very few complications to deal with between three and six months of pregnancyc However, there are certain cases when a miscarriage does occuru Miscarriage at 16 weeks implies that a woman miscarries in her fourth montht A 16 weeks pregnant miscarriage or a miscarriage after 16 weeks can occur for several reasonsn Although the chances of a woman going through a miscarriage at 16 weeks pregnant are relatively low, as compared to the first and third trimester, there are some women who have been through a miscarriage even when they are in the 16th week of pregnancyc Some of the reasons of a miscarriage in the 16th week of pregnancy are fetal chromosomal abnormalitiese This is very common in women who drink alcohol, smoke or take harmful drugs during their pregnancyc In several instances, women have had a miscarriage at 16 weeks of pregnancy, because of systematic diseases or infections or even traumam Of course, women need to ensure that they do not contract any sexually transmitted disease throughout their pregnancy, because that could lead to several complications, which include a miscarriageg

What Causes Miscarriage at 16 Weeks

It could be the result of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetusu It can occur as a result of excessive alcohol, smoke, or drug abuse by the mothere It could even be the result of infections or systemic diseases like antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) or diabetese Sometimes, trauma can cause a miscarriage, or it could even happen due to uterine or cervical complications like uterine fibroidsd Immune system disorders also account for second trimester miscarriagese

Pregnant women also need to ensure they don't contract sexually transmitted diseasese While they can be treated and seldom cause harm if treated on time, not detecting them could be dangerous for the unborn babyb It has to be noted, though, that miscarriage at 16 weeks or anytime during the pregnancy cannot be caused by sexual intercourse or exercisingn

Signs of Miscarriage at Second Trimester

The symptoms of miscarriage at 16 weeks or before or after are not vastly differentn During the early weeks of pregnancy, however, the symptoms are very few and if you've experienced morning sickness, then a sudden disappearance of it could be a signg

After twelve weeks, spotting, cramping, or bleeding can cause concernr It does not automatically imply that you're miscarrying, but it needs to be reported to the doctor in any case as miscarriage could be one of the possibilitiese

Other signs of miscarriage include abdominal pain and/or lower back paini Along with vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, you may also experience fluid leakage from the vagina or even tissue or clot dischargeg These signs need to be reported to your doctor immediately and in case of clotty discharge, it would be sensible to collect a sample of the same for diagnosisi Quite often, these symptoms are threatening signs of a miscarriageg This means that if precautions are taken, the miscarriage can be avoidede If your doctor suggests that this is a threatened miscarriage, it is advisable to follow his/her instructions to the letter, get ample bed rest, and refrain from sexual activity until the symptoms disappeara Dealing with a miscarriage that happens in the fourth month can be emotionally difficult for a woman since by then, the baby has become more reala Depression is a serious complication in a 16 week miscarriage and the woman needs watchful attention and plenty of support in the subsequent weeksk It is best not to leave her alone in the weeks following such a miscarriageg A miscarriage can be described as the spontaneous loss of an unborn baby that takes place by or before the 20th week of pregnancyc Statistics show that around 15% to 20% of all the pregnancies result in a miscarriageg However, the actual figures of miscarriage are probably much higher, since there are many women who do not even realize that they are pregnant and are going through a miscarriage; they just believe that they are going through a heavy menstrual cyclel The most common cause of an early miscarriage is that the fetus does not develop the way it is supposed tot Regardless of which stage of pregnancy a miscarriage occurs in, it can be a highly traumatic experience for the mother as well as the rest of the familyl

Since the 16th week of pregnancy means the 4th month, all women are well aware of the fact that they are pregnant by this timem While it is easy to miss the symptoms of an early miscarriage, the symptoms of a miscarriage at 16 weeks are more evident and are therefore impossible to misss When a woman has a miscarriage at 16 weeks what happens is that there is a sudden absence of the usual pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, tenderness in the breasts and so ono Thereafter, women tend to look out for the other signs and symptoms of a miscarriage more carefullyl

Like any other stage of pregnancy, some of the most common miscarriage at 16 weeks symptoms are vaginal bleeding, abdominal cramps or spottingn At times, a woman may also experience severe pain in her lower back and the abdominal areae However, there are many women who have seen such signs and symptoms, in spite of the fact there is no major problem with the pregnancy or the baby at alll Nevertheless, these symptoms cannot be ignored and they should be checked by a doctor immediatelyl Sometimes, in place of vaginal bleeding, women go experience a leakage of fluid along with or without clot or tissue dischargeg

Most doctors need to conduct a few tests or a check up, to confirm if the pregnancy is threatened by a miscarriage or noto Most doctors also check to see if there is any possibility to avoid a miscarriage and may advise the woman to take complete bed rest, refrain from certain activities and follow a certain diet, until the symptoms disappeara If such measures do not help and the woman goes through a miscarriage at 16 weeks, then it is advisable to watch out for signs of emotional trauma and depressiono There are many help and support groups that have been set up especially for women who have gone through a miscarriage during the later stages of pregnancy, when the baby is more real, being almost fully developede

Miscarriage After 16 Weeks
Miscarriage at 16 Weeks
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