Fatigue During Pregnancy

A woman’s body undergoes a large number of metabolic and hormonal changes during this phase of her life, and these changes can be rather trying and taxing. While some women experience nausea and vomiting other may experience a constant feeling of tiredness; this is referred to as fatigue.

The experience of fatigue in pregnancy tends to be highest during the initial and latter stages. This is mainly because, during these stages, a woman's body is the body is begins to produce new hormones, while also undergoing a hoard of changes Fatigue during early pregnancy is primarily because there is an increased production of progesterone, a type of hormone.


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This can lead to a feeling of lethargy and sluggishness. Apart from this, the body also increases the production of blood so that all the essential nutrients are passed on to the growing baby. This excessive production of blood increases the work load on various organs.

Causes of Fatigue During Pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, the body also undergoes various changes to ensure that food and essential nutrients are processed in the right manner. These changes together, can be quite stressful on the mother, which then leads to a feeling of fatigue. Furthermore, psychological and physical changes can cause both emotional and mental stress, which then contributes to of fatigue. In the latter stages, this condition is brought about by the increased amount of weight that is being exerted by the growing baby. This additional weight can be taxing for the mother. However, fatigue during pregnancy can be taken care of to some extent, by following a few simple steps.

Make sure to get plenty of rest. Take a short nap between meals, even if it is for a mere 15 minutes. When at work, do not over exert yourself, take a break every 2 hours, this will help in renewing energy.

Remedies for Fatigue During Pregnancy

Increase the intake of fluids, as a lack of the same can cause this condition too. Abstain from consuming any fluids 2-3 hours before bedtime, as it will create the need to urinate, which will then disrupt sleep. Exercising will also help to a large extent. Try and fit in 30 minutes of light exercising into your daily schedule; it will help in increasing energy levels to quite a substantial extent. Eat healthy; make sure your diet has plenty of proteins, vitamins, minerals and iron. Thus, while fatigue and pregnancy are closely related, the impact can be lessened by following these simple steps.

Fatigue During Pregnancy
Fatigue During Pregnancy
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