Hernia During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is usually regarded as one of the most joyful and delightful experiences of a woman’s life. However, there are several changes that occur during pregnancy, some of which can be quite unpleasant. There are several women who develop the problem of hernia during pregnancy, mainly due to the fact that the muscles in their stomach are stretched, as they baby grows and develops.

In case, these stomach muscles are stretched rapidly or too far, it is possible for a woman to get hernia during pregnancy. The main discomfort caused by this problem is that the pressure of the hernia protrusion gets more intense, as the pregnancy progresses.

Hernia during pregnancy symptoms


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Most women suffering from hernia during pregnancy experience a lot of pressure in the abdominal area. However, there are other symptoms too that may be seen due to this condition. Given below are some of the other common symptoms of abdominal hernia during pregnancy:

  • A painful bulge in the abdominal area, which does not disappear on its own
  • Tenderness at the site of the hernia
  • Difficulty in moving, which may worsen with the progress of the pregnancy

Types of hernia during pregnancy

There are different types of hernia that affect people and some of the can also occur during the course of pregnancy.

Umbilical hernia during pregnancy

Also known as inguinal hernia, this is the most common type of hernia seen in pregnant women, usually characterized by a swollen belly button, pain and discoloration. Though inguinal hernia during pregnancy needs to be treated, doctors advise women to wait until after the baby is born.

Hiatal hernia during pregnancy

This condition is usually characterized by straining to pass bowel movements, heartburn and abdominal pain.

Femoral hernia during pregnancy

This refers to hernia that develops along the femoral canal, which is beneath the inguinal ligament.

It is characterized by intestinal obstruction and a lump near the abdominal area. The most effective way of treating the problem is by undergoing surgery.

Epigastric hernia during pregnancy

This hernia occurs quite close to the belly button and is generally marked by abdominal pain, a bulge in the area, nausea and vomiting, fever.

The worst way of dealing with any type of hernia during pregnancy is by trying to push the protrusion back into the body. This could lead to internal bleeding, as well as an obstruction in the flow of blood. However, since pregnant women can neither undergo surgery, nor drug therapy, it is best to use home remedies like cold compresses and relaxation to cope with the pain and discomfort. Surgical procedures and medication are usually used after the baby is born, to treat the hernia.

Hernia During Pregnancy
Hernia During Pregnancy
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