Jock Itch in Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, an expectant mother experiences an itching sensation very often, primarily around the tummy region. This is mainly the result of the stretching of the skin due to weight gain plus water retention. In addition to these reasons, itchy skin could also be caused by dryness triggered by the hormonal changes that occur in the body as a result of the pregnancy as well as microbial infections due to a compromised immune system.

One of the most embarrassing experiences linked with itching is jock itch in pregnant women. The term jock itch is used for a fungal infection that is caused by mold like fungi called dermatophytes.


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These microscopic creatures live on dead skin, nail and hair tissue. They need a moist, warm area to breed and the insides of the thighs are ideal for this purpose. Jock itch and pregnancy are a common combination as women are prone to perspire more as a result of the changed hormonal pattern in the body. This leaves the area moist. In addition, since the immune system becomes weak, infections become common. Friction caused by clothes rubbing against the skin or the thighs rubbing against each other as a result of weight gain could be responsible for jock itch. Furthermore, the expanding waistline makes cleaning the groin and thigh area thoroughly, a bit difficult, in most cases. This is seen mainly towards the end of the pregnancy term. Itchy and burning sensations accompanied by redness or soreness of the skin, in the groins, inner thighs and in some cases, the anus, are common indicators of jock itch during pregnancy. A red, raised or scaly rash that generally starts in the groin area may also develop.

Sometimes, blisters may appear. These blisters tend to ooze. This form of fungal infection must not be ignored as it could spread to the anus, increasing the discomfort manifold.

Good hygiene is the basic technique for keeping away this fungal infection. Washing the affected area with a warm, salt water solution is recommended as it helps to combat the growth of these microbes. Highly perfumed skin products, including soap should be avoided. After wash, the area must be dried well so as to ensure that no moisture remains. Opting for cotton undergarments and loose fitting clothes is advisable to minimize the risks of this disease. Since it is contagious, sharing of personal care products as well as towels must be avoided completely. Consulting a doctor is a must to curb the spread of infection as well as to confirm the use of any ointments or any form of medication.

Jock Itch During Pregnancy
Jock Itch During Pregnancy
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