Flatulence During Pregnancy

When the air we swallow goes into the digestive tract, it gets released when we burp or belch. Occasionally, the air travels through the small intestine and is expelled through the anus and it is referred to as flatulence.

Flatulence during pregnancy occurs when the uterus because of its expansion, compresses the digestive tract thereby slowing down the digestive process. This causes the body to create more gas, accompanied by heartburn and a feeling of bloating.

Conditions for Flatulence During Pregnancy


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Conditions for Flatulence During Pregnancy

Although pregnancy can aggravate flatulence, the causes lie in certain kinds of food products which can be avoided to ease you of the condition. Sugars and starches when consumed affect different people in different ways.

Broccoli, beans, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbages and cauliflower contain a sugar called raffinose and may cause flatulence in pregnancy. Onions, artichokes, pears and several other kinds of fruit and fruit juices contain another sugar called fructose which is another likely culprit. Other causes of flatulence include starchy foods such as pasta, potatoes and oat bran. But bran is an unavoidable part of your diet as it contains a tremendous amount of fibre. You can therefore try out wheat bran which does not get broken down and fermented, provided you are not allergic to wheat. Flatulence in early pregnancy can be caused by lactose intolerance. In other words, digesting milk becomes a problem although you are not to worry as there are several soy substitutes available which will provide you with roughly the same amount of nutrition.

This list of items may effectively cut out any source of nutrition that you can possibly have. You can therefore keep track of what you eat and cut out what may be causing the flatulence.

Remedies for Flatulence During Pregnancy

To remedy flatulence in pregnancy, experts suggest consuming several small meals during the day as it is much easier on the digestive system. Chew your food slowly and thoroughly and avoid talking while chewing to prevent air from entering the digestive tract. While eating, sit straight up and make sure that you never eat when lying down. During pregnancy, a high fluid intake is essential, but you should try to avoid drinking from a bottle or through a straw as this will increase the chances of taking in a little air along with the water. Avoid carbonated drinks as much as possible as well. Wear lose fitting clothing to decrease the bloated feeling you may have and a brisk walk every day for half an hour or so will relieve you of gas trouble and constipation as it stimulates the digestive tract. Also avoid fizzy, carbonated drinks and smoking as this can aggravate flatulence during pregnancy.

Flatulence During Pregnancy
Flatulence During Pregnancy
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