How To Relieve Knee Pain During Pregnancy

Body aches and pains are a part and parcel of pregnancy due to the many changes that an expectant mother’s body experiences. Most of these aches and pains are a result of weight gain which is a crucial part of pregnancy. An expectant mother continues to put on weight throughout the term of her pregnancy and her total weight gain may vary from 15 to 35 pounds, on an average, depending on her weight before pregnancy.

The increasing weight of the uterus exerts pressure on the pelvic floor muscles and on the ligaments that hold the uterus. Hence, most pregnant women first experience a mild cramping pain around the abdominal and pelvic region.


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As the uterus expands to make room for the growing baby, it is but natural that the tummy would gradually start bulging. Since, a major amount of the weight gained is around the tummy region, it affects the posture of the mother to be as her centre of gravity shifts. This is the root cause of the aches and pains experienced during pregnancy. The legs being the load bearers are bound to face the brunt of the increased weight and this leads to leg and knee pain during pregnancy. As a pregnant woman begins to walk in an awkward manner to minimize the discomfort, knee pain during pregnancy becomes inevitable due to the pressure exerted on the knee joints. At times, women tend to walk with more pressure on one side than the other. This could lead to either right knee or left knee pain during pregnancy. Hip and knee pain during pregnancy could also be the effect of the hormone relaxin as this hormone relaxes the ligaments in the body. Being unable to sleep comfortably during pregnancy as a result of the growing waistline could also be responsible for joint pains.

Poor blood circulation and water retention are other known causes of joint pains.

Most pregnant women are plagued with the question - How to relieve knee pain during pregnancy? Wearing comfortable flat footwear is the first step in managing aches during pregnancy. Trying to maintain a good, yet comfortable posture goes a long way in minimizing discomfort. The use of a pregnancy pillow is also known to relieve the strain on the back, hips and the knees. A warm bath or a hot compress is known to relax strained muscles. Drinking plenty of water helps in preventing water retention. Maintaining a single posture for extended periods of time should be avoided. A brisk walk daily is advisable so as to keep the joints flexible and thus reduce pain.

Knee Pain During Pregnancy
Knee Pain During Pregnancy
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